So you want to recycle a Sebo vacuum cleaner? No problem, we can help.
This service is only available for those who want to recycle a Sebo vacuum cleaner – not any other brand. We don’t want Hoover or Vax, etc.
Save yourself the tedious drive and inevitable queue at your local tip and keep your old Sebo out of the landfill. We have another way: send it to us at no cost to you and we’ll recycle it.
If you have recently bought yourself a new Sebo X7 or XP vacuum cleaner, from us or anyone else, you have the box the new one came in. Your old X1, X4 or X7 fits in that box.
There are only four polystyrene inserts in an X series box, but getting your old Sebo in that box can be like a jigsaw puzzle, so here below in this short video, we will show you how to pack your old Sebo in the box your new one came in.
You can put the polythene bags from the packaging in there too, and this way you’re even recycling all the packaging your new one came with.
IMPORTANT: Please put a piece of paper in there and write on it “for recycling” or some such. If you don’t do that, we may assume it’s a machine someone sent in for repair and forgot to include the service slip, as people also send us Sebo vacuums to repair. If you have bought a new machine from us and have our leaflet on recycling, just enclose that and we’ll know it’s for recycling (we’ll even re-use that if you haven’t written your shopping list on the back).
What if you don’t have a Sebo box?
No problem, just find a suitable sized box (local shops can help with that). Dismantle and package your Sebo up as best you can so the contents don’t move around inside and the parts don’t scratch against each other. Screwed up newspaper is useful here if you have no other packaging. Pack the box as tightly as you can and tape it up.
How to send your old Sebo vacuum for recycling
We’re going to ask you to drop off the package (after we have sent you a label) at a local parcel drop shop, this is typically a local business, general store or supermarket nearby where you live.
The courier services we use for this are either Hermes or DPD. Here’s how to find out where your local drop shop is:
For Hermes, click >>here<< and input your postcode. You will then see a list of the locations nearest to you. It doesn’t matter which one you use.
If there isn’t a Hermes parcel shop near you, let’s see if there is a DPD drop off point instead. Click >>here<< to open the DPD drop shop locator.
If you have a printer to print a shipping label, that’s helpful and faster. If you haven’t, we can post one out to you.
Once you have decided which courier’s drop shop is the most convenient for you, and you’re ready to send the Sebo for recycling, send us an email >>here<< or if you’ve bought a new machine from us, you can simply hit ‘reply’ to the sales confirmation email and we’ll know who you are from the string below.
In that email, we need the following info:
- That you want to recycle a Sebo vacuum
- That it is boxed and ready to go
- Your name, address and number (which won’t be used for any other purpose)
- If you want a Hermes or DPD shipping label
- If you can print a label or you need one posting out
We can then send you a shipping label. It might take us a day or two if we are busy (we are very busy on Mondays so an email sent over the weekend we might not get to until Tuesday).
Be sure you check your email spam box as emails from unknown senders with attachments will often end up there. It’d be nice if you could ping us a one-line quick reply to confirm receipt of the label.
All you need to do then is fix the shipping label to the box, and drop the box off at a drop shop of your choice.
If you happen to work at a business that has daily Hermes or DPD deliveries or collections, you can just give the package to your regular driver who will take it. We can also send a UPS label if you have a daily collection from them at your business.
IMPORTANT: Shipping labels typically expire after a few days so you need to drop the package off as soon as you reasonably can after receiving the label.
If you don’t drop it off, or try and drop it off after the label has expired, it won’t scan, they won’t accept it but we still get charged. And that utterly defeats the object. So please make sure you are ready to drop it off when you get in touch with us to arrange it.
What happens to your old Sebo vacuum cleaner?
Many components can be recycled. When we recycle a Sebo vacuum cleaner, we first strip it down to its component parts. We then select anything we think can be re-used on other machines. That could be body panels, handles, circuit boards, hoses, etc. Even screws and small internal parts can often be used again and give good service.
Those parts are then cleaned, refurbished where necessary and checked by our engineers before being put away in our stores. Those parts will then be re-used building refurbished Sebo vacuums, used to repair Sebo vacuums brought or sent to us, or sold on as part of other larger parts orders.
We recycle everything we possibly can. Motors can sometimes be rebuilt or components from within them re-used. Blown motors and old power cords get recycled for scrap metal. We are also able to recycle much of the plastic we get if it isn’t reused. Almost nothing from your old machine goes to waste. We even re-use all the packaging that machines arrive packed in.
We think it’s pretty amazing that thanks to you taking the trouble to do this, bits from your old, unwanted end-of-life Sebo could be keeping other Sebos alive in Leeds, Lockerbie, London, or Llandudno for many years to come. After you have used it for a decade or more. Now that’s green!
Over our lifetime each one of us throws away over three tonnes of old electrical products. To preserve our environment we need to look at ways of becoming more sustainable. Recycling your old Sebo with us is green; it reduces the amount of end-of-life electrical appliances going into landfill.
If you have a question not answered here or have a Sebo that isn’t an X1, X1.1, X4, X7 or XP to recycle, you can send us an email >>here<<.