When you are looking to replace the motor on your Sebo Automatic X vacuum cleaner it is important that you buy the correct one.
Contrary to what you may read elsewhere on the internet, the Automatic X machines do not all have the same motor. Many sellers of new vacuum parts haven’t the first idea how these machines actually go together. Very few parts sellers have a specialist Sebo repair workshop as we at the Sebo Shop have.
Early X1 machines have two possible motors fitted in them and they are not easily interchangeable.
Much confusion arises because the two motors are ostensibly identical; but in actual fact they differ about half an inch in height which makes fitting a later motor to an earlier machine almost impossible.
The early motor is an Ametek motor made by Lamb and its reference number is 117818–08.
The motor number is 5212. The top pulley cog has 16 teeth. We carry new and occasionally used and tested examples of these motors which you can find >>here<<.
Later Automatic X1 machines along with X1.1, X4 and X5 take a Domel motor which has a reference number of MKM9206/3 or MKM9206-3.
That motor number is 5471. The top pulley cog has 22 teeth. We sell both genuine and aftermarket versions of that motor that you can find >>here<<.
Many sellers are listing the 5212 motor as being suitable for the X1.1, X4, X5 and other models which they are not; not without some modification anyway.
Similarly with the 5471 motor, some sellers are listing that are suitable for all earlier X models, which again is absolutely not the case as you have just read.
It is also important that the correct belt is fitted with your motor, and that the motor has the correct pulley cog. Again, they all look virtually identical but they are not. The pulley cog matches the belt. Make sure the teeth of the belt mesh perfectly with the motor pulley cog and not almost.
Early motors, being the Ametek Lamb usually have the 5379 belt. Later motors usually have a 5463 belt.
If you are fitting a new Domel motor into an application that has the belt 5379 you need to swap over the top toothed drive pulley cog from your old motor (it unscrews).
If you fit incompatible drive belts to a new motor or incompatible pulley cogs to your existing belt, your Sebo vacuum will soon snap or shred the belt.
Naturally, all sellers of Sebo spare parts wish to avoid returns caused by assumption or misdiagnosis – we are no exception – so it is important that you do your research first.
Always be sure when looking for a replacement Sebo motor for the early X1 Automatic X vacuum cleaner that you establish exactly which motor is fitted to your machine before you buy one (that means strip it down first and look) and understand the compatibility of drive belts and pulley cogs between different motor and belt types.
With Sebo X1.1, X4 and X5 machines, you can safely buy a MKM9206/3 or MKM9206-3 motor – there is seldom any confusion with those.
The Sebo Shop are approved Sebo dealers offering next day UK delivery on all domestic and commercial Sebo vacuum cleaners. You can shop for Sebo vacuum motors and other Sebo spares by clicking >>this link<<.